Monday, October 13, 2008


I'm addicted to fertility friend!!! I got a paid membership for us, and now I can't stop looking at our chart, and searching the circles!!! I need an intervention!!!!
It's also giving me a sense of hope for this cycle that otherwise I wouldn't have. I don't want to get my hopes up, but things look so much better this time around...
Heres to hoping!

1 comment:

Lyn said...

I just popped over through my blog stats. Thanks for the link on your blogroll--I'll add you to ours. I'm always excited to see a potential non-bio-mom blogging...there aren't as many of us writing. Timing with an irregular cycle can be hard, but not impossible, especially if you know exactly how the different OPK brands work for you. It sounds like you've got a lot figured out about S's cycle. Good luck.