Saturday, January 3, 2009

Quick Post

We still do not have internet in the house, after much fighting with Comcast, we decided to go with AT&T but are waiting for another tech to come out and figure out why the jacks in the house don't work! It is very frusterating, although more so for S then for me since she is up there all day long. I at least get a little bit of internet time at work when I'm not too busy (which I am obviously not right now as I am posting).
On the baby making front, we are yet another month down with no plus sign. It is becoming more and more frusterating and disapointing, but we just keep trying. I have to have faith that it will happen in its own time. We got a Clearblue fertility monitor, so hopefully that will help nail down timing a little better.
I should get back to work now, but I added a new little gadget, so if you read, sign up as a follower over there ---> on the sidebar!


Queers United said...

what is TTC?

Queers United said...

cool, I learned something new, thanks :)

Helene said...

TTC...that acronym brings back so many memories. I remember it took me awhile to figure out what BFP and BFN me, though, I became familiar with BFN pretty darn quickly. I'm so sorry it's been a frustrating process for you...hopefully you'll have success soon!

BTW, I'm going out on a limb here but I'm assuming I know your "better half" S...she has a blog too, right? I really enjoy her blog!

Jenn said...

You do indeed know S. She is obviously the better blogger of the two of us!
I enjoy your blog a lot too!

the Provident Woman said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm having a giveaway on my blog through Sept. 4.

K J and the kids said...

Why don't you blog anymore ?
Ok, so thanks for the comment. I will be asking you for more hints and tips I'm sure. :)