Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I did it

I sent my mom a no on 8* email. That was the hardest thing I have done since I came out to her, but I realized that I could not just say nothing to her. I don't know if it will do any good considering her religion, and what I am sure they are preaching about it in her church right now (anyone want to bombard a church on sunday morning, lol). I basically took Coles( thank you!!!) and reworded it a little, I just couldn't come up with the words on my own.
I don't know what she'll say, and honestly I'm a little scared of her response, but hopefully she will see it our way. We never spoke of the Valentines SF weddings (even though she knew I was in a commited relationship at the time), so I don't really know how she feels on the civil rights side of it, I only knows how she feels about my "lifestyle" on the religious side of it.
I told S that I think she would feel diffrently if there were already grandchildren for her involved, but at this point because it is all a waiting game for us, I cannot put that card out there. We decided that we will not tell our parents until we know for sure (and for my sanity will be waiting until after the first trimester).

* Prop 8 is an amendment to ban same sex marriage in California.

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