Friday, August 22, 2008

Our second try

Our second try was well.... silly, although not quite as funny as the first time around.

The Olympics had just started, and we were watching them before M and MB arrived. We were still watching them while M did his thing, and I decided that this time around I was going to let them out prior to our part this time, just because I didn't want to have to leave S right afterword, and them hanging out is awkward still, although I have the feeling the longer we do this the less awkward it willl be.

So anyway I went to let them out, and while I was doing that S had put the "stuff" in her bra to keep it warm (very important to keep it body temp!). When I came back up, she was perched on the edge of the couch completely sucked into the games. I asked her if she was ready, and she just nodded, at which point I asked her if she wanted to just do it on the couch, since the games were on the DVR so we couldn't just watch them in the bedroom. She said yes, so we got all set up on the couch.

So... try number two was done on the couch watching the 2008 olympics.

A Funny to remember

Even if this time around didn't work, and even though it was our first try, I think that this time will stick out the most in my mind (aside from the time that actually sticks of course), simply because of the laughter involved.
After M( our donor daddy) did his deed, S and I went into our room to do our part. As soon as we were set up to go (pillows under booty, syringe filled) we got the most wicked case of the giggles. Now, we laugh a lot around here as we are quite silly most of the time, but this struck us as completly hilarious. It was just so clinical, and as a way to break the tension, we lost it. M and MB ( as we refer to M's boyfriend in blogger land, because his name starts with an M too) were in the living room watching Juno ( we thought it approprate for some reason) and could hear us laughing, given our glass french doors in our San Francisco apartment. After we finally gained control and did what we needed to do, I went downstairs to let them out (when we leave here I will forever be greatful for not having that problem anymore), and came back to our bed. Hoping all the way.
I read in one of the lesbian baby making books to not take the whole thing seriously, and laugh, because otherwise the enormity of the situation will take you over, and I thought that because we laughed so hard the first go round, we'd be gold. I was wrong, but hopefully we will be able to laugh our way through as many times as it takes ( although I hope it doesn't take many).


So this is my new blog about the trials and tribulations of starting our family. I figured I'd give blogger a try and see if I actually post over here more than I do at LJ. I'd like to record these times, and have a place to record the kids when they get here.

We are already one cycle down and I'm disappointed, I had really hoped we'd be the miracle family that got it right on the first try. But alas it was not in the cards this time around.

For anyone happening along this blog, a little history. My partner is my best friend of more than 5 years and we have been through a lot together. We became a couple at the end of last year, it just took us that long to figure it out (although just about anyone who knows us saw it coming for a long time). Kids were always in the books for us anyway, either together or apart, so deciding to start a family right away wasn't a big deal, and its not like we're getting any younger. We have a wonderful donor who will be our children's father, but not a primary parent.

I am just so ready to start this new path in life, and hope we don't have to play the two week game for very long.