Friday, August 22, 2008

Our second try

Our second try was well.... silly, although not quite as funny as the first time around.

The Olympics had just started, and we were watching them before M and MB arrived. We were still watching them while M did his thing, and I decided that this time around I was going to let them out prior to our part this time, just because I didn't want to have to leave S right afterword, and them hanging out is awkward still, although I have the feeling the longer we do this the less awkward it willl be.

So anyway I went to let them out, and while I was doing that S had put the "stuff" in her bra to keep it warm (very important to keep it body temp!). When I came back up, she was perched on the edge of the couch completely sucked into the games. I asked her if she was ready, and she just nodded, at which point I asked her if she wanted to just do it on the couch, since the games were on the DVR so we couldn't just watch them in the bedroom. She said yes, so we got all set up on the couch.

So... try number two was done on the couch watching the 2008 olympics.

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